amp templates


Over the past while I've been keeping a closer eye on my web server logs. I've noticed that a lot of my long ago archived pages are still receiving hits. I've decided to resurrect some of the more popular pages here.

Back by popular demand...

Trump tweet word clouds
Political Polarization Before it was Cool

This is based on a paper we wrote about Republican partisan infighting. The paper uses advanced network clustering methods to segment the Republican Party into three main factions. We show how the leadership of the Party dealt with these competing interests to maintain control of the House.  (Note: may be slow to load...)

Synology backup hack
Synology Copy Button Hack 

Back in 2010 I hacked the Synology backup server with some bash scripts to do a one-button backup using rsync onto an external drive. Back then, my father had an accounting business and wanted to be able to take an up to date snapshot of the server. These scripts overrode the default actions of the buttons to sync the contents of the drive to the plugged in USB drive. Bonus beeping and flashing lights. :-)

Computer skills for humanities and social science students
Data Munging
for Humanities and Social Science Students:
Software tools of the trade

I made these presentation slides as an introduction for arts students to computing and data munging skills. These presentations remain popular despite being largely unlinked to the rest of the website.

Drop me a line if you find them useful.